The Microstress Effect: How Little Things Pile Up and Create Big Problems-and What to Do About It

Rob Cross and his book The MicroStress Effect

The Microstress Effect: How Little Things Pile Up and Create Big Problems-and What to Do About It

Wednesday, April 26

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If you feel exhausted by everyday life, you're not alone. In today's hyperconnected 24/7 world, most of us are 'on call' to people in both our persona and professional lives at all times. What high performers and other intelligent people fail to realize is that our connections with other people – even those we care most about – trigger an avalanche of small stresses that snowball to the point where it affects our well-being. In this enlightening webinar, bestselling author and leadership expert Rob Cross will point to new and original research to describe the recent phenomenon perpetuating this ongoing crisis of well-being—microstress. Cross will deliver small steps anyone can take to build resilience against microstress, like finding purpose in everyday life by forging authentic connections with others, making time for the things that matter and finding ways to be your true self in work and life. 

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