Leading From Anywhere: The Essential Guide to Managing Remote Teams

Author David Burkus with his book Leading from Anywhere

Leading From Anywhere: The Essential Guide to Managing Remote Teams

Friday, August 27

It’s undeniable that we’ve entered a new era of remote work. While many leaders seek to go back to business as usual, why settle for the ordinary when remote teams allow us to work even better? The research shows that employees are more productive and engaged when they have the freedom to work from anywhere. This means leaders need the skills to lead from anywhere.

In this meticulously researched, refreshingly practical webinar, top business thought leader, David Burkus, provides managers with a complete guide to leading remotely. Packed with everyday examples and illuminating insights, Burkus tackles the critical inflection points and challenges that remote managers face. He will share examples from communicating effectively and adding new members to managing performance, keeping the team engaged, and even helping them strike the right balance between work and life. This webinar provides everything you’ll need to survive and thrive as the leader of a remote team.

Register for this webinar and check out our other online events at alumlc.org/uni.