Getting Beyond the Noise: A Non-Meditator's Guide to the Power of Silence

Leigh Marz & Justin Zorn with their book Golden

Getting Beyond the Noise: A Non-Meditator's Guide to the Power of Silence

Thursday, October 20

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Do you ever crave a moment of silence from the constant notifications and technology interruptions? How do we move beyond the noise that is all around us? In this deep-dive webinar, co-authors of Golden: The Power of Silence in a World of Noise, Leigh Marz and Justin Zorn, take us on an unlikely journey to explore the meaning of silence and the art of finding it in any situation. Through vivid stories, leading-edge research, and direct experience, Justin and Leigh explore: Why silence matters for our health, creativity, relationships and our capacity to find creative and enduring solutions to the challenges individuals and communities are facing today.

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