Accounting Alumni Reception

accounting alumni reception-UNI account student writing notes

Accounting Alumni Reception

Thursday, September 07

Save the date for an upcoming reception for Des Moines area accounting alumni on Thursday, September 7. 

Connect and reconnect with fellow UNI graduates and friends and see our new satellite campus location where we are launching our new hybrid UNI Accounting at DMACC program. Visit with faculty, students, friends and hear a brief update from the UNI Accounting Department while enjoying complimentary hors d'oeuvres and a beverage. Mark your calendars and please register before August 31!

Accounting Alumni Reception
Thursday, September 7 / 5:30 p.m.

Student Life & Stem Center
DMACC Urban Campus, Bldg. 7
1144 7th St. Des Moines, Iowa, 50314

register now!